Cadets European Championship starts in Trnava on Wednesday 11 AM. For the fans, we have prepared a special tournament's website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. There you will find all the up-to-date information, game results, the best photos, and videos. You can also watch the games play-by-play online on the WBSC Europe website.
The commentated live streams from the MBS in Brno will be accessible on the YouTube channel baseballczech. There will also be a live stream with infographics (but no commentator) from the Hroši field in Brno during the weekend, broadcasted on the same YouTube channel. Unfortunately, there is no stream from the games in Trnava (Group B).
See all the photo-galleries made by our great photographers Lenka Brožová, Tomáš Icik, Petra Voet and Pavol Teslík in the ČBA Photobank on this link.
If you can, come and cheer for the young talents of the top seven European countries into the stands. Admission for each day of the tournament in Brno is 50 CZK (2€) for an adult, children under 18 free. Games in Trnava are free. You can buy the official tournament's t-shirt, Czech national team caps and also a new baseballczech merch at the stadiums.
We are also inviting you to the full-on baseball afternoon On Saturday 24 of July in Brno. Other than the cadets EC, there will be a Czech baseball Extraleague game Draci Brno versus Eagles Praha at the MBS. There is a homerun derby scheduled after the game and many other festival activities.
However, the hygienic protocols must be followed at all baseball stadiums.
Upon entering the complex, all visitors will be obliged to register in the registration form, which will contain their name and telephone contact. By signing, the visitor confirms that he meets the following conditions set by the Ministry of Health and can participate in the event, the registration sheets will be used only internally for the tournament organization committee.
a) negative RT PCR test no later than 7 days ago
b) a negative POC test no later than 72 hours ago
c) vaccination (from the 2nd dose at least 15 days)
d) past disease (not more than 180 days)
e) an antigen test carried out on site
f) passing a mandatory test at work or at school (antigen for a maximum of 72 hours)